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What Does a Web Developer Do? #

Introduction #

When an application operates seamlessly, credit goes to the dedicated team of software engineers who tirelessly construct, evaluate, and refine it. Conversely, encountering a 404 error implies a glitch in the underlying code. Computer programming stands as a potent skill, with the development team often holding the reins of a company’s success. But what exactly do developers engage in during their daily 9-5 routine?

For those seriously contemplating a career in web development, it’s essential to comprehend the key skills developers utilize, extending beyond mere coding. To offer a comprehensive perspective, we’ve conversed with one of our own software engineers to outline a typical workday. If you’re intrigued by a programming career and seek assurance that it aligns with your aspirations, below is a breakdown of the vital skills you’ll employ and an overview of your weekly routine as a developer.

What Does a Developer Do? #

Developers are responsible for crafting the code that empowers websites, applications, and various software. They govern the visual aspects of a site, dictate the responses of an app to user gestures like swiping and tapping, and orchestrate the collection of user data on the backend. At a broader level, developers translate the product goals of a company into tangible, functional technological solutions.

The scope of their responsibilities can encompass investigating customer preferences and requirements, constructing software using the most suitable programming languages for the task, and evaluating the performance of their solutions across diverse browsers and devices.

In many cases, developers collaborate with UX designers, product designers, and data analysts to guarantee that the solutions they develop are both user-friendly and adept at efficiently acquiring user data.

Work Environment #

Some developers may kickstart their journey by taking on freelance projects, aiming to accumulate experience and garner work references. For those who relish the autonomy to craft their schedules and cherry-pick projects (and are unfazed by the added responsibility of sourcing their own clientele), pursuing a long-term career as an independent contractor remains a viable choice. However, many opt for the stability of a full-time developer role.

Virtually every company heavily depends on their digital presence and technological products to attract and retain customers. This reality leads businesses worldwide to invest significantly in robust web development teams. Developers command some of the tech industry’s highest salaries and can anticipate attractive perks complementing their paychecks. Moreover, since their tasks can be accomplished from any location with internet access, remote opportunities are abundant.

Irrespective of the industry, developers commonly find themselves immersed in screen-based tasks. Yet, this doesn’t translate to isolation or monotony in the job. In sizable enterprises, engineering teams collaborate harmoniously to devise solutions and review each other’s contributions, dispelling the notion of the solitary coder secluded behind headphones all day. As you climb the ladder of responsibility, you’ll realize that a software engineer’s career encompasses a spectrum of skills beyond coding, such as team management, interdepartmental communication, and understanding client requirements.

If you’re enticed by a secure career trajectory offering the potential to work flexibly from any corner of the globe, you possess the means to forge a stimulating and fulfilling journey as a developer.

Essential Skills of a Software Developer #

Undoubtedly, proficient coding is a hallmark of a successful developer. However, there exist additional, lesser-known skills that developers lean on to excel in their roles.

Hard Skills: Developers commonly possess robust logical problem-solving acumen. They adeptly conceive multiple solutions for challenges and astutely select the optimal one for the given scenario. They’re also adept at anticipating interactions and performance outcomes among different components for the end user’s benefit. Prospective software developers would also find value in acquiring some proficiency in data analysis, as modern websites and applications necessitate precise methods for user data collection.

Soft Skills: Effectively articulating complex concepts stands as a pivotal aspect of a developer’s responsibilities. Given that developers leverage highly specialized knowledge to inform their decisions, conveying their rationale in simple terms to others can sometimes prove challenging, yet it’s an integral routine. Programmers who seamlessly collaborate within a team tend to shine, as engineering departments frequently collaborate closely, engaging in joint project efforts and task delegation.

A Day in the Life of a Web Developer #

If you’ve honed your coding skills but haven’t yet stepped into a developer role, envisioning your day as part of an engineering team can be challenging. While coding and bug-fixing are given, being part of a larger department introduces additional responsibilities like meetings, reporting, and quality testing, forming a crucial part of your routine.

Nothing quite matches the effectiveness of insights from someone who lives and breathes the web developer life daily. We had a conversation with Kara Leary, an engineer at Thinkful, to provide a real glimpse into what her developer job entails day after day.

What Does a Typical Day Look Like for You? #

My day-to-day varies considerably. Some days, I’m immersed in writing code and resolving problems. However, I also serve as a tech lead for my team, which means a significant portion of my day involves meetings to define requirements or outline solutions with my product manager and stakeholders.

On coding days, I usually pick up a new task that involves a fresh feature or a reported bug. I invest time in reacquainting myself with the specific part of the codebase related to that task. It’s easy to forget code or systems even from just a few days ago, so I’m consistently reviewing previously written code to regrasp its functionality. I then proceed to write the necessary code for the task and submit my changes for review through a “pull request.”

In our team, we mandate that another team member reviews and approves your changes before they’re pushed to production. While awaiting review, I might take on another task or conduct code reviews myself. Reviewing others’ code is an excellent way to learn new techniques and familiarize oneself with different areas of the business.

Once my code is reviewed, I’ll incorporate any suggested changes and deploy it to production, or “merge” the pull request. We are accountable for monitoring our changes as they’re implemented, so I always conduct manual quality assurance once everything is live for peace of mind.

Then, the cycle begins anew with a fresh task. Each new ticket presents a new challenge, ensuring that I’m constantly engaged.

What Hard and Soft Skills Do You Primarily Rely On? In What Context? #

It might sound simple, but my ability to efficiently search and find information on Google is a skill I rely on constantly. When I started as an engineer, I spent considerable time searching the web for solutions. Over time, my efficiency in reaching the answer I need has improved drastically. There are certain articles or websites that I visit multiple times a week (such as Lodash and Moment.js). I don’t need to remember their exact content; I just need to quickly navigate back to them.

In terms of soft skills, patience plays a vital role in my daily tasks. This might involve explaining an issue or a technical solution to a non-technical stakeholder who understandably struggles to grasp the concept. Project requirements evolve frequently, and maintaining patience is crucial, especially when it requires revisiting or reworking tasks already completed.

Engineers can be strong-willed when discussing various technologies or solutions for the same problem. Patience is essential in such discussions. However, the most significant requirement for patience is with oneself. There are times when I spend hours attempting to solve a problem and can’t seem to get it right. During such moments, frustration can set in, along with feelings of impostor syndrome. When this happens, I find it helpful to step away from the keyboard, take a walk, or get some fresh air. More often than not, the solution comes to me when I’m pondering something unrelated to software.

Describe a Recent Project or Achievement You’re Proud Of, and Why. #

I’m particularly proud of the work we recently undertook to support individuals impacted by COVID-19. Thinkful decided to offer a month of our flex courses for free, along with the option to enroll using an ISA (Income Share Agreement) at the end, to help those who lost their jobs due to the virus.

The challenge was that our platform didn’t have the capability to enroll students in this manner. My team was tasked with setting up the checkout process and student platform to accommodate these students. Given the rapid pace of developments during the pandemic, time was scarce. From the moment we learned about the project’s potential to releasing and testing all the required changes, it took just one week. This swift execution felt truly remarkable. Contributing to something that can genuinely assist people in the current circumstances was incredibly satisfying.

In essence, a developer’s role extends beyond writing, editing, and testing code. A skilled web developer can choose between freelancing, collaborating with a robust engineering team in a large corporation, or leading the way in a small tech startup. Irrespective of your chosen path, ensure that you carry your communication, logical thinking, and collaboration skills along the journey.


1. What exactly does a web developer do? #

A web developer is responsible for creating and maintaining the code that powers websites and applications. They handle both the visual elements and the functionality of a site or app, ensuring a seamless user experience.

2. What skills are essential for a software developer? #

Apart from coding skills, a software developer needs strong problem-solving abilities, logical thinking, and the capacity to anticipate how different components interact. Soft skills like effective communication and collaboration are also crucial in working within a team.

3. What does a typical day look like for a web developer? #

A web developer’s day may involve coding new features or fixing bugs, attending meetings to discuss project requirements, collaborating with team members on solutions, and conducting quality testing before deploying changes.

4. How important is communication for a web developer? #

Communication is vital for a web developer, as they need to explain complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders, collaborate with designers and analysts, and discuss solutions with fellow developers. Clear communication ensures efficient teamwork.

5. Can a web developer work remotely? #

Yes, many web developers have the flexibility to work remotely since their tasks primarily involve working with a computer and internet connection. This remote work opportunity allows developers to choose their location while contributing to projects from anywhere.